Qsales Selection Wizard

Take a minute to answer our questionnaire below to find out which Qsales edition is most suitable for your need.

1. QuickBooks version

What version of QuickBooks desktop do you use?


2. Act! version

What version of Act! do you use?


3. Devices with QuickBooks installed

Do you have QuickBooks installed on all desktops with Act!?


4. Transactions inside of Act!

Would you like Act! users create transactions inside of Act!, including receiving payments?


5. Act! users

How many Act! users do you have?


6. Centralized server

Are both your Act! and QuickBooks data stored on a centralized server?


7. Remote database users

Are there any of your users with remote databases that need Qsales functionality?


Based on the answers you provided, we recommend the following edition.

Unfortunately your QuickBooks and Act! version combination is not supported by QSales. We recommend upgrading either software to a more recent version in order to use Qsales.
Product Unit Price   Qty Total Price

Total USD $ 0.00
Subsequent (recurring) USD $ 0.00